A Year in Review: Technical Publications & Resources 

In the past fiscal year, from July 2023 to June 2024, EngenderHealth has continued to collect and analyze project data, conduct research crucial to informing our programming, and document and reflect upon program learnings. We have also published a variety of articles, briefs, factsheets, tools, and more—to share our learning with others in our sector. The breadth of knowledge included in this body of work exemplifies the strategic thinking and hard work of our staff and partners. From project briefs, articles in peer-reviewed journals, and a health systems strengthening strategy, to a Bystander Intervention Framework to address gender-based violence, a new language guide focused on our philanthropic community, and an equitable partnership framework and toolkit, our 2024 fiscal year (FY24) has been one of continued reflection, learning. We are excited to share a compilation of our publications here! 

Publication Highlights

Among the publications from FY24 is our Health Systems Strengthening (HSS) strategy. This strategy builds on the World Health Organization’s six health systems building blocks—(1) leadership and governance; (2) service delivery; (3) health system financing; (4) healthcare workforce; (5) medical products, vaccines, and technologies; and 6) health information systems—and details how we work with various partners to support health systems in becoming more resilient, gender-equitable, and responsive to the needs of the people they serve. 

This year, we revised our postabortion care (PAC) curriculum—which includes a Trainer Guide, Participant Guide, Reference Manual, and related slide decks—to incorporate key clinical updates and reflect global health learnings from the past decade to help improve access to affordable, high-quality PAC worldwide. The curriculum builds upon an earlier version published in 2010.

Over the years, EngenderHealth has set forth principles to ensure our language helps us affect the changes we wish to see. This year we expanded our language guides to include one on philanthropic communications, to facilitate a more equitable paradigm—one that emphasizes the agency of the communities we support, eradicates the saviorism rhetoric, and creates a new narrative of shared power. Amy Agarwal, EngenderHealth’s Principal Writer, Editor, and Designer, co-authored this language guide and also answered frequently asked questions about using inclusive, respectful language to help us and those we work with promote acceptance, equality, and inclusion with our words and actions.

We also recently expanded and updated our portfolio of Geographic and Topical Factsheets. These updated factsheets highlight our expertise and capabilities in adolescent and youth sexual and reproductive health and rights, family planning and sexual and reproductive health, gender equality and social inclusion, and maternal and obstetric care. We also introduced new factsheets highlighting the depth and breadth of work in West and Central Africa and India.

Together with our partners, we developed a Partnership Framework and Toolkit, using a variety of inclusive approaches to ensure that these materials are reflective of our partners’ needs and the experience of our staff across the world. Developed in line with EngenderHealth’s core values and designed to provide strategic direction and practical tools for building long-lasting, equitable partnerships, we hope that these resources will guide us, and others, to better achieve our shared goals of locally led development. Learn more about our vision and approach to building equitable partnerships.  

Our intersectional approach to programming prioritizes the holistic well-being of the individuals we serve around the world. Several EngenderHealth experts shared their perspectives on EngenderHealth’s work at key intersections in India, Ethiopia, and Tanzania, including discussing how our community-driven interventions exemplify the power of working at the intersections of health and development to better engage local communities, foster ownership, and ensure sustainability of project achievements. 

Technical Publications and Resources: July 2023 to July 2024

The following publications from July 2023 to July 2024 directly contribute to one of EngenderHealth’s primary values—reflection. We are committed to questioning, challenging, learning, and adapting as part of our work. We center evidence by documenting and reviewing our activities and achievements, conducting rigorous studies, and applying our findings and the lessons learned to improve all our programs and contribute to advancing sexual and reproductive health and rights, and gender equality. We are pleased to share these learnings with you.  

Organizational Approaches, Frameworks, Reports, and Strategies

Language Guidance

Program Reports

Key Publications from the EngenderHealth-led MOMENTUM Safe Surgery in Family Planning and Obstetrics

Call to Action 

Program Reports

Fact Sheets  

Webinars and Videos

Blogs and Stories

Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

We are grateful to our staff and partners who contributed to these publications. We greatly value your expertise and experience. We look forward to another strong year of publications ahead, where we continue to review and share program learnings (including successes and failures) to improve our processes and increase our impact, to reflect upon and adapt the language we use to ensure we continue to be inclusive and respectful with our words, and to share what we have learned to help us all continue to better as know better. 

Please visit our extensive library to explore more of our technical publications and resources.