Our Programs

Women and Youth Economic Empowerment in Tanzania

| 2023-2025
This program, funded by Shell and Equinor, will strengthen the capacity of women and youth to effectively participate in, contribute to, and benefit from economic empowerment initiatives in the Lindi region of southern Tanzania.

Women’s and youth’s economic empowerment are increasingly recognized as a critical component of efforts to promote gender equality, reduce poverty, and achieve sustainable development. Despite progress in recent years, women and young people continue to face significant barriers to economic empowerment, including discriminatory laws and practices, limited access to education and training, and social and cultural norms that restrict their mobility and participation in the labor market.

The first EngenderHealth project funded by international energy companies, this project provides an opportunity to work with the Lindi Municipal Council and Mtama District Councils in Tanzania to strengthen women’s and youth’s economic empowerment (WYEE).  

A social welfare officer speaks with client.

This project uses a comprehensive approach to understand barriers and opportunities to improve WYEE. We will map and document existing economic empowerment initiatives in the past three years, identify implementing partners and how they align with communities, understand the types of entrepreneurship activities, and investigate their challenges and successes. The project also aims to further understand the specific economic empowerment needs, opportunities, and challenges for women and youth and how these may differ according to geography, age, and other demographics, and to investigate how gender and other social determinants influence WYEE through application of our Gender, Youth and Social Inclusion (GYSI) Framework and Analysis.

We are excited to work with our partners to understand determinants of WYEE and explore how GYSI can help reduce the barriers to women’s and youth’s economic empowerment in Tanzania. 

This project will share the learnings and evidence generated through the research activities and mapping exercise. Based on the evidence, we will provide a list of future gender-responsive economic empowerment activities that will either complement, expand, or innovate existing initiatives to best meet the needs of the communities. This evidence will pave the road for future investments and opportunities to expand WYEE activities and ensure their long-term success.  

Program Partners

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