Salma Hayek Pinault Presents EngenderHealth with the Avon Global Communication Award for Exemplary Work to Combat Violence Against Women

Salma Hayek Pinault, left, speaks with Pamela Barnes, President and CEO of EngenderHealth

New York, New York (March 7, 2013) – In recognition of International Women’s Day, Avon Foundation for Women Ambassador Salma Hayek Pinault awarded EngenderHealth the 2nd Avon Communications Awards: Speaking Out About Violence Against Women for their outstanding work to bring attention to the need to end violence against women. The awards, presented at the United Nations (UN) Headquarters during the 57th session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW), are part of the Avon Speak Out Against Domestic Violence program.

Salma Hayek Pinault presented the Avon Communications awards, and was joined by Avon Products, Inc. CEO Sheri McCoy, Liberian Ambassador Marjon V. Kamara, and Futures Without Violence President Esta Soler. ABC News Anchor Bianna Golodryga moderated the event. The CSW, which this year focuses on the elimination and prevention of all forms of violence against women and girls, drew nearly 4,000 representatives from UN Member States, UN entities, and nongovernmental organizations from around the world for a two-week session.

EngenderHealth was one of five global organizations to receive the prestigious award, which recognizes outstanding communications campaigns that help change communities, policies, institutions, and behaviors to end violence against women. EngenderHealth received an Avon Foundation grant to fund the continuation of its CHAMPION Project.

This award is for EngenderHealth’s CHAMPION campaign, which received communications support from FHI 360 and was funded by the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The CHAMPION Project is part of a five-year effort to engage men in Tanzania by increasing their involvement in addressing the underlying gender issues and power imbalances in relationships. The program aims to turn men from bystanders to champions with its key message, “Violence is everyone’s problem. Be a role model. Earn respect by standing up to violence.”

“Men must be a part of the solution,” said Pamela W. Barnes, President and CEO of EngenderHealth. “When men take a stand against violence in their communities, we see the positive impact it has on women’s health and their families.”

An international panel of judges selected EngenderHealth’s CHAMPION Project from more than 425 submissions by 119 organizations from 46 countries, ranging from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe.

To view all the award-winning campaigns in each category, as well as finalists’ campaigns, please visit Futures Without Violence.

For more information about EngenderHealth and its work around the world, follow us on Twitter at @engenderhealth or onFacebook.

About EngenderHealth
is a leading global women’s health organization that is working to ensure that every pregnancy is planned, every child is wanted, and every mother has the best chance at survival. We train health care professionals and partner with governments and communities in more than 20 countries around the world. For more information, visit

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