EngenderHealth at the International Conference on Family Planning 2013
EngenderHealth is gearing up for the International Conference on Family Planning (ICFP), November 12-15, in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. This year’s conference, “Full Access, Full Choice,” features the wide-ranging benefits of helping couples plan and space their births and take stock of progress to ensure that everyone has access to voluntary family planning services and methods that meet their needs.
We will be making more than 30 presentations at ICFP about our latest work and essential resources for family planning programming.
- Learn more about our unparalleled expertise in family planning and how we are contributing to the ICFP Conference Program.
- Join us to celebrate 70 years of engendering rights and choice at EngenderHealth’s Anniversary Reception on Thursday, November 14, 6:30 pm at The Harrar Grill, Hilton Addis Ababa.
- Keep up-to-date with all of the action in Addis Ababa by joining the conversation on Twitter @EngenderHealth and @PamWBarnes with hashtag #ICFP2013 and #ICFPLive, and on EngenderHealth’s Facebook page.
We look forward to seeing many of you in Addis Ababa.