EngenderHealth at #HSR2016
The Fourth Global Symposium on Health Systems Research will gather 2,000 policymakers, researchers, donors, practitioners, and advocates in Vancouver, Canada, from November 14 to 18 to focus on the theme: “Resilient and responsive health systems for a changing world.” EngenderHealth is pleased to participate in this global conversation examining innovation, transformation, and resilience in health systems around the world. Below please find a summary of EngenderHealth presentations and posters. You can also follow the conversation online using #HSR2016.
Satellite Sessions
Monday, November 14 | 3:00–5:00 pm (Room 17)
Getting there: working within existing health systems to overcome barriers to maternal and reproductive health care
The aim of this satellite session is to draw upon research and program learnings from Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia to illustrate avenues through which the voices and experiences of care users and providers can be leveraged to increase health systems’ responsiveness. Highlighting recent and concurrent studies in maternal and reproductive health provides a starting point for discussion to achieving this aim. This session targets a research, program, and policymaker audience.
Speakers: Pooja Sripad, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health; Krishna Rao, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health; Susannah Mayhew, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine; Vandana Tripathi, EngenderHealth, New York
Moderator: Charlotte Warren, Population Council
Poster Sessions
Friday, November 18 | 12:00–1:30 pm
Expanding health system capacity to provide surgical care in low-resource settings: Integrating pelvic organ prolapse and genital fistula repair (ID: 1126)
Vandana Tripathi, Lauri Romanzi
Electronic Posters
Available as of November 6
Bridging the communication gap inearly infant diagnosis with mHealth initiative in Manyara Region, Tanzania (ID: 2896)
Annette Angela Almeida, Edwin Ernest, Witness Motta, Feddy Mwanga, Richard Killian, Balthalzar Nyombi, Michael Msangi
A strategic approach to contraceptive introduction: a case study of meeting the reproductive health needs of postabortion care clients in mainland Tanzania and Zanzibar (ID: 3323)
Colin Baynes, Justin Kahwa, Grace Lusiola, Caitlin Shannon
Helping survivors of gender-based violence in Iringa and Njombe regions of Tanzania achieve their reproductive intentions (ID: 3032)
Annette Angela Almeida, Witness Motta, Clement Matwanga, Mwaluko Kongola, Feddy Mwanga, Richard Killian, Grace Mallya