EngenderHealth Announces New FP2020 Commitment at Family Planning Summit in London

July 11, 2017—EngenderHealth is pleased to announce its renewed global commitment to the Family Planning 2020 (FP2020) goals at the Family Planning Summit held in London, UK.

The pledge underscores EngenderHealth’s strategic vision that contraception is not merely a health intervention—it is a societal intervention that lies at the heart of human rights issues. It builds upon the organization’s prior FP2020 commitment with a renewed focus on service delivery, youth, policy and advocacy, training, and contraceptive security to empower women and girls as rights holders and to hold governments and providers accountable as duty bearers.

“Through this commitment, we are looking not just at how many women and girls we reach, but how we reach them, and pushing ourselves to reexamine our own models and approaches so we can do more in the coming years. Business as usual is no longer sufficient— it’s time to be bold,” said Ulla Müller, President and CEO of EngenderHealth.

EngenderHealth resolves to reach 13 million women and girls with comprehensive, rights-based contraceptive counseling in 13 FP2020 countries over the next three years, and of those counseled, to reach 11.7 million women and girls with contraceptive methods of their choice. By 2020 at least 15% of women and girls reached at EngenderHealth-supported sites will be under the age of 20.

The organization commits to working with governments to effect policy changes that increase access to a full range of contraceptive methods, especially for unmarried youth. Over time, opportunities will be leveraged with partners and health ministries to strengthen the availability, use, and reporting of quality performance monitoring data, with an emphasis on improving data disaggregated by age, sex, and marital status.

EngenderHealth will expand training efforts by 25% to train approximately 5,000 providers to deliver quality contraceptive services. In addition, we will undertake efforts to improve contraceptive security by reducing reported stock-outs. The organization will also work to strengthen the use of data for decision making to improve contraceptive security and to expand access to post-abortion contraception.

Overall, the commitment speaks to the organization’s conviction that women and girls are empowered as rights holders, and that governments and providers have a positive obligation as duty bearers to respect and fulfil their rights. It is through this lens that EngenderHealth plans to work with key partners towards achieving the FP2020 goals and to accelerate progress on the road to 2020 and beyond.

“To change the paradigm, we can’t be afraid to say where we are falling short. This is a moment to take stock of our accomplishments, but also to reflect on what innovation truly means, identify our blind spots, ask ourselves where we can do more,” said Müller.

EngenderHealth is a leading global women’s health organization committed to working toward a world where sexual and reproductive rights are respected as human rights and women and girls have the freedom to reach their full potential. In nearly 20 countries around the world, EngenderHealth creates lasting change by training health care professionals and partnering with governments and communities to make high-quality family planning and sexual and reproductive health services available today and for all generations to come. Visit www.engenderhealth.org for more information. 

For more information, contact:

Priyanka Ghosh
Manager, Communications & Marketing
Tel:  212-561-8521