Value for Money Principles

EngenderHealth is committed to effectively stewarding the resources entrusted to us by donors and we work across our ecosystem to optimize the value of the programs we deliver. Our Value for Money (VfM) approach emphasizes accountability, sustainability, evidence-based decision making, and responsiveness to the high expectations of donors, partners, and the people we serve. Our VfM principles—organized by the VfM framework of effectiveness, efficiency, economy, and equity—guide us throughout program design, implementation, and measurement.

Learn more about how we define these principles below and by reading our blog post: The Value in Articulating Our Principles on Value for Money.


  • Measure What Matters: EngenderHealth is committed to using evidence-based approaches to measure what matters, not what is easy to measure, in order to determine true value for money.
  • Value Evidence and Innovation: We conduct risk assessments for all programming, are transparent in evidence-based decision-making, and strive for innovative, high-impact solutions.


  • Deliver High-Value Programs: We are able to maximize impact while containing costs by providing best-in-class training, technical assistance, and community engagement. In fact, in recent years we have seen increases in key impact metrics even where program budgets have decreased.
  • Optimize Planning and Procurement: Through careful planning and procurement of all goods and services involved in program delivery, we ensure optimal value for every dollar spent.


  • Focus on Efficiency: Efficiency is at the center of everything we do. In developing and implementing programs, one way we achieve efficiency is by working with the most effective partners. With more than a half-century of experience, we are well-positioned to work with partners across all sectors.
  • Continuously Improve: EngenderHealth actively seeks to collaborate, learn, and adapt to streamline processes, interventions, and resource utilization that in turn maximize VfM.
  • Engage All Stakeholders: All EngenderHealth staff, board, partners, and subcontractors are educated on our commitment to VfM. We invest in engaging them with these principles to ensure all parts of the organization work to ensure VfM in everything we do.


  • Balance Across the Portfolio: EngenderHealth takes a diversified portfolio approach to VfM, recognizing that some activities will offer higher VfM than others, while also balancing programmatic approaches and corresponding VfM over the short and long term to achieve sustainability of our work and ensure lasting change.
  • Leave No One Behind: To achieve our vision of a gender-equal world, we must work with the most marginalized individuals and communities. Reaching those at the margins through high-quality interventions is more costly than helping those who are easier to reach. Our VfM approach assumes that we will continue working to serve the hardest-to-reach and that donors will invest in that effort.