Stop Project 2025!

Help Us Protect Reproductive Rights

By signing this pledge, you join a collective voice advocating for women’s health and human rights, sending a powerful message against the regressive proposals of Project 2025.

Add your Voice

I pledge to stand with EngenderHealth in the fight to protect and advance women’s health at a time when it is under threat. Project 2025 seeks to roll back essential healthcare services and reproductive rights, leaving millions of people vulnerable. Every person deserves access to high-quality, life-saving healthcare, and I commit to supporting EngenderHealth’s efforts to ensure that these rights are preserved. 

Together, we can safeguard the progress that has been made and push forward toward a future where every person has control over their own health and choices. I pledge to continue to support the reproductive rights of women and girls everywhere and to ensure that everyone has access to the healthcare they want and deserve.  

WCD Pledge Form (Privacy Policy Consent Required)
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